Visa Refusal


Visa Refusal

Appeal process for Visa refusal 

Medical Treatment visa

The Medical Treatment visa is a temporary visa designed for people who have medical treatment or medical consultations in Australia. Visa holders are usually able to stay in Australia for the duration of their medical treatment or while the visa is valid. If the Medical Treatment Visa Application is requested in Australia, the visa is usually granted for up to 12 months. Applicants can apply for this visa in or outside Australia.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)

Student Visa Refusals (Genuine Stay)-The AAT needs to decide whether you genuinely intend to stay temporarily in Australia. The AAT must be satisfied there is a genuine intention to stay temporarily in Australia. The AAT will look at your circumstances in your home country, your potential circumstances in Australia, the value of the course to your future, your immigration history and any other relevant matters.

Matters in the Federal Court

JUDICIAL REVIEW-The Court may only review a decision in order to determine if a ‘jurisdictional error’ has been made. This means the Court determines if the decision has been made according to law. The Court is independent of the decision makers. The Court does not consider the merits of your application and whether you should or should not be granted a visa. If the Court finds a jurisdictional error, it can refer your case back to the decision maker and prevent the Minister from acting on the decision.

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