Skills Assessment
In order to be granted a skilled migrant visa, a skills assessment is required. Skills assessments are conducted by assessing authorities. Each assessing authority will have its own requirements depending on the profession or occupation.
For most occupations listed in the SOL and CSOL, the applicant will need a university-level or trade qualification to be successful in their assessment.
Assessing authorities can only let you know if you have a positive assessment; they cannot advise you on whether your visa application will be successful or not.
The following is a table of the most common occupations and the relevant skills assessing authorities:
Occupations | Assessing Authorities |
Computer network and systems engineer, chief information officer, multimedia specialist, software and applications programmer, ICT engineers/analysts/specialists/managers, network, systems or database administrators | |
Engineering manager, chief executive or managing director, corporate general manager, sales and marketing manager, advertising manager, public relations manager, human resource manager, supply and distribution manager, procurement manager | |
Early childhood or secondary school teacher, special needs or special education teacher, teachers for the hearing or sight impaired | |
Registered nurse, nurse practitioner, midwife, nursing clinical director, nurse researcher/manager/educator | |
Engineering manager, engineer, engineering technologist, naval architect, civil or electrical engineering draftsperson, telecommunications network planner, telecommunications technical officer or technologist | |
Accountant (general, management or taxation), internal or external auditor, finance manager, corporate treasurer | Certified Practicing Accountants, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, Institute of Public Accountants |
Barrister, solicitor | State Legal Admission Authority, for example the New South Wales Legal Profession Admission Board |
Child care centre manager, technician (various disciplines), trade workers (various disciplines) mechanic (various disciplines), electrician, electrical linesworker, chef, cook, baker, cabinetmaker, boat builder and repairer, shipwright, automotive electrician, aircraft maintenance engineer, metal fitters and mechanists, garden workers, hairdressers, wood machinists and other wood trades workers, plant operator. | Trades Recognition Australia*
*Please note that this list of occupations is not exhaustive. You will need to refer to the SOL, CSOL and the Trades Recognition Australia website for details of every occupation that is assessed by Trades Recognition Australia.
Managers in the areas of health, welfare, constructing, mining, corporate services, policy and planning, hospitality, lab work, quality assurance, environment, education and arts. Other occupations include information and organisation professionals, sales workers, public relations professionals, advertising specialists, marketing related occupations, air transport professionals, marine transport professionals, designers, chemist, food technologist, environmental scientists, life scientists, natural and physical science professionals, private tutors and teachers, university lecturer or tutors, vocational teachers (non trades), educational advisers and reviewers, health diagnostic and promotion professionals, complementary health therapists, audiologist, judicial and other legal professionals, counsellors, social professionals, medical technicians, science technicians, architectural/building and surveying technicians, animal attendants and trainers, veterinary nurse, clothing trades workers, performing arts technicians, health or medical workers, community workers, sports coaches or instructors, real estate, insurance and business-related occupations. Others include artistic occupation, media-related occupations, journalists, technical writers, company secretary, finance workers (dealers, traders, brokers, advisers, managers). | Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services (VETASSESS)*
*Please note that this list of occupations is not exhaustive. You will need to refer to the SOL, CSOL and the VETASSESS website for details of every occupation that is assessed by VETASSESS. |
Skills assessment
Assessing authorities
Name | Full Name | URL |
AACA | Architects Accreditation Council of Australia | |
AASW | Australian Association of Social Workers Limited | |
ACECQA | Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality | |
ACPSEM | Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine | |
ACS | Australian Computer Society Incorporated | |
ACWA | Australian Community Workers Association Inc. | |
ADC | Australian Dental Council Limited | |
AIMS | Australian Institute of Medical Scientists | |
AIQS | The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors | |
AITSL | Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited | |
AMSA | Australian Maritime Safety Authority | |
ANMAC | Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council Limited | |
ANZPAC | Australian and New Zealand Podiatry Accreditation Council Limited | |
ANZSNM | Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine | |
AOAC | Australasian Osteopathic Accreditation Council Limited | |
AOPA | Australian Orthotic Prosthetic Association Limited | |
APC | Australian Physiotherapy Council Limited | |
APharmC | Australian Pharmacy Council Limited | |
APS | Australian Psychological Society Limited | |
ASMIRT | Australian Society of Medical Imagery and Radiation Therapy | |
AVBC | Australasian Veterinary Boards Council Incorporated | |
CAANZ | Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand | |
CASA | Civil Aviation Safety Authority | |
CCEA | Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Limited | |
CMBA | Chinese Medicine Board of Australia | |
CPAA | CPA Australia Ltd | |
DAA | Dietitians Association of Australia | |
Engineers Australia | The Institution of Engineers Australia | |
IML | Institute of Managers and Leaders National | |
IPA | Institute of Public Accountants Ltd | |
Legal admissions authority of a state or territory | Legal admissions authority of a state or territory | New South Wales Email: Queensland Email: South Australia Email: Tasmania Email: Victoria Email: Western Australia Email: Northern Territory Email: |
MedBA | Medical Board of Australia | |
NAATI | National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd | |
OCANZ | Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand Limited | |
OTC | Occupational Therapy Council of Australia Limited | |
PodBA | Podiatry Board of Australia | |
SPA | The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited | |
SSSI | Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute Limited | |
TRA | Trades Recognition Australia | |
TRA (trades) | Trades Recognition Australia | |
VETASSESS | Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services | |
VETASSESS (non-trades) | Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services |